Change log¶
logbee.Frontend 1.3.3¶
Release date: 15-01-2025
Introduced $.Authorization.AzureActiveDirectory.AuthorizedGroupIds
, which can be used to restrict Active Directory users access to the Logbee.Frontend application.
More details can be found here.
logbee.Frontend 1.3.0¶
Release date: 29-10-2024
This release is compatible with logbee.Backend-v1.3.0 or newer versions.
Bug fixes
Fixes 405 Method Not Allowed
when trying to delete captured application logs and data.
Implemented caching for applications and organizations, reducing database load.
Implemented automated job for deleting old emails in the
table.Implemented automated job for deleting old local log files.
Braking changes
Added ApplicationSettings (required) configuration option. logbee.json
"ApplicationSettings": {
"CacheApplicationsRepositoryInSeconds": 600,
"ProcessEmailsQueueIntervalInSeconds": 30,
"DeleteProcessedEmails": {
"SentMoreThanNHoursAgo": 12,
"TriggerIntervalInMinutes": 60
"DeleteLocalLogFiles": {
"CreatedMoreThanNDaysAgo": 3,
"TriggerIntervalInHours": 6
logbee.Frontend 1.2.2¶
Release date: 23-10-2024
Implemented Smtp.Sender (optional) configuration option.
"Smtp": {
"Sender": {
"Address": "",
"DisplayName": "Logbee"
logbee.Frontend 1.1.6¶
Release date: 04-09-2024
Implemented “Create an alert for this exception” functionality.

logbee.Frontend 1.1.2¶
Release date: 09-07-2024
Implemented date-time plugin selector for table filters.

logbee.Frontend 1.1.0¶
Release date: 06-06-2024
Upgraded the application to .NET 8.0
logbee.Frontend 1.0.1¶
Release date: 15-03-2024
Migrating from the legacy KissLog.Frontend¶
If you are currently using the legacy KissLog.Frontend application, upgrading to the new logbee.Frontend application will bring breaking changes to both configuration file and to the database schema.
For the configuration file (KissLog.json -> logbee.json) it is best to use the new configuration file and update the properties with your settings.
logbee.Frontend is now using a new database schema incompatible with the previous KissLog.Frontend application.
To migrate the existing data, please follow these steps:
In the logbee.Frontend application, update your database connection string to a new database name, different than the database name used in KissLog.Frontend.
Run the logbee.Frontend application for the first time, which will create the empty database (with the new schema).
Copy the existing data from the old database to the new database, using the following script (MySql language):
INSERT INTO `<NEW_DATABASE>`.`application`
SELECT `Id`, `Organization_Id`, `Name`, `DateTimeCreated`
FROM `<OLD_DATABASE>`.`application`
WHERE `Id` NOT IN (SELECT `Id` from `NEW_DATABASE`.`application`)
INSERT INTO `<NEW_DATABASE>`.`organization`
SELECT `Id`, `Name`, `DateTimeCreated`
FROM `<OLD_DATABASE>`.`organization`
WHERE `Id` NOT IN (SELECT `Id` from `<NEW_DATABASE>`.`organization`)
INSERT INTO `<NEW_DATABASE>`.`organizationalert`
REPLACE(REPLACE(`EmailNotification`, '"IsActive"', '"IsEnabled"'), '"Emails"', '"SendTo"'),
REPLACE(`SlackNotification`, '"IsActive"', '"IsEnabled"'),
REPLACE(`MicrosoftTeamsNotification`, '"IsActive"', '"IsEnabled"')
WHERE `Id` NOT IN (SELECT `Id` from `<NEW_DATABASE>`.`organizationalert`)
If you need assistance, please feel free to reach out and I will happily help with the migration.
For technical support, questions or any feedback, please feel free to send us a message and we will get back to you.